On May 15th 2014 we invited schools to showcase and celebrate their Dissolving Boundaries projects to mark 15 years of cross-border links and Cartier Replica Watches the milestone of reaching our 50,000th participant!
The teams in Maynooth and Coleraine hosted a joint celebration with video-linked presentations from a number of schools.
This year, we invited schools to send us short video recordings that show what DB means to them. We've pieced these together into a movie! You can view the full length movie here: DB Day Movie.
Schools have also sent us their own "Story of DB in Our School" videos and these are available by clicking on the 'videos' button below.
Schools themselves often use the day to do a video-conference with their partner, a special school assembly to tell the rest of the school about Dissolving Boundaries and to invite parents and others in the community to hear commercial led lighting how technology has been connecting young people together.
Summary of Dissolving Boundaries Day 2013
For Dissolving Boundaries Day 2014 we invited schools to send us short video recordings that show what DB means to them. We've pieced these together into a movie!
A documentary about linking schools through ICT; case studies of cross-border links between Northern Ireland and Ireland in the Dissolving Boundaries programme and in Israel through the TEC program.